Caesarean Delivery in Delhi by Dr Bhumika Shukla

Caesarean Delivery

C-sections are safe, lifesaving procedures that may be performed when a woman’s baby(ies) cannot pass through her birth canal in an orderly fashion. But as with any major surgery, C-section recovery requires time.

We conducted an in-depth examination of geographic variations in cesarean delivery rates across states, districts, and communities; with particular attention being given to whether such variations can be explained by clustering of individual-level risk factors.

Prenatal Checkups

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but regular visits with your obstetrician are crucial in order to make sure that everything runs smoothly. By meeting regularly and staying safe during gestation, they will help lower risks of complications while giving you the best chance at experiencing an enjoyable gestation experience.

At each prenatal visit, your physician will perform numerous tests to make sure that your baby is progressing appropriately, including blood work, ultrasound scans and pelvic exams. These exams allow your OB/GYN to quickly spot any issues and take necessary measures early – potentially avoiding complications or worsening of existing conditions.

Regular visits can help identify any potential problems while providing invaluable education about your pregnancy. You’ll learn about various procedures, what to expect during delivery and afterwards, and any complications that might arise; all this knowledge can help make you more at ease throughout the entire delivery process.

C-section is a surgical procedure performed when there’s a risk to either mother or baby during a vaginal delivery. While once considered more dangerous than vaginal delivery methods, C-sections have now become just as safe and common. If you are considering having one done, consulting an experienced gynecologist such as Dr Bhumika Shukla in Noida with experience treating high risk pregnancy cases will give you all of the information required to determine whether having one is right for you or not.

Women who have given birth through cesarean section are four times more likely to develop blood clots in the lungs compared to those who gave birth vaginally, putting themselves at increased risk of serious complications such as chest pain, coughing and breathing issues. To lower this risk and help ensure you and your OB/GYN follow their advice regarding diet and exercise to lower this risk as much as possible.

Dr. Vanika Bhaskar Prim is a consultant at Cloudnine Hospital Sector 51 and The Women Care Clinic Noida with over 22 years of experience and specializes in deliveries, Caesarean Section, Gynecological Problems, Laparoscopic Surgery and Prenatal Care. She has received many accolades including being named “ESI Hospital/Kailash Hospital& Heart Institute Honoree”.

C-Section Procedure

C-section or cesarean delivery is a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in your lower belly to allow your baby to be delivered. Women often choose this route if complications cannot be resolved through vaginal birthing or when their health and that of the newborn is at stake.

Before undergoing C-section, you will be fully informed of all risks and receive an anesthetic injection – often an epidural that allows you to remain awake but prevents pain sensation during surgery.

Your obstetrician will make an incision across your abdomen near the pubic area and then separate muscles of your abdominal wall in order to access your uterus, opening it using another cut before cutting umbilical cord and extracting newborn from birth canal.

C-section is often recommended for women with specific health problems, such as pelvic trauma or heart disease. Furthermore, this procedure should also be considered by mothers living with HIV or genital herpes who risk passing it onto their newborn during vaginal delivery.

C-sections may also be the best choice for pregnant women carrying twins whose first baby is bottom or feet-first, as vaginal deliveries would force the baby against internal organs and risk causing serious injury to both mother and child.

Elective C-sections have become an increasingly popular birthing method, yet it is essential to keep in mind the health risks associated with elective C-sections. Most health insurance policies do not cover elective C-sections so it’s wise to discuss them with your physician in terms of your options and preferences.

Most doctors advise having a cesarean section when your baby’s head is too big to fit through the birth canal or when your labor doesn’t progress as expected, leading to slow or no cervical closure. You might also require one if cord prolapse restricts blood flow and oxygen supply to your newborn and could lead to life-threatening complications.

Post-C-Section Care

C-section, or cesarean section, is a surgical process in which a baby is delivered through an incision in the uterus. C-sections are recommended when labor threatens either mother or baby and is safe and effective when done for appropriate reasons – though any surgery carries risks that must be considered carefully before making such decisions. When considering C-section options it’s essential that there is an experienced team supporting both mother and baby as they journey toward birth together.

At a cesarean, anesthesia will be administered to numb your lower body so you won’t experience any pain during delivery. A spinal anaesthetic involves inserting a needle into your spine and injecting local anaesthetic through it; this will block pain from your chest down while still allowing you to breathe normally and be awake. Your doctor may also opt for epidurals during a cesarean to ease any discomfort; once ready to deliver baby, surgical incisions will be made in your abdomen and uterus before finally performing cesareans to successfully deliver baby.

C-sections may be necessary when labor does not progress as expected (labor dystocia). They also serve to deliver babies who cannot fit through the birth canal, such as those in head down or breech positions.

Most C-sections are performed under regional anesthesia; however, others require general anesthesia. When scheduling a planned C-section, your physician will make an incision across the lower part of your stomach near your pubic hairline (low transverse incision) – though in rare instances surgeons may make incisions in both parts – though this is less frequent.

Once your operation is over, your gynecologist will clear away any blood or fluid from your incision sites before suturing them together. You should expect to stay in hospital for three to five days; this may vary between hospitals depending on how quickly or slowly you recover. In addition, health visitors and GPs must come visit you at home regularly during this time to monitor recovery as well as partner/friend support while you recuperate at home.


With advances in medical science, Caesarean delivery in Delhi is now considered a safe procedure for both mother and baby, though not recommended in all instances; some women prefer natural childbirth instead. Women must prepare themselves for both pain and pressure associated with labor; additionally they should know that her labor could be induced using medications.

Some women suffer from health conditions that prevent vaginal birth from being possible, including HIV or genital herpes, pelvic trauma and/or HIV infection. When this occurs, C-section delivery is generally the recommended course of action to avoid certain complications during delivery, including large babies being delivered breech first or an increased chance of cesarean section being required due to risks involved with vaginal delivery alone.

Low rates of cesarean delivery (CD) limit access to this lifesaving procedure in low-resource settings, so this study used open-source national data from Bihar first referral units (FRUs) to measure rates at each FRU and identify factors associated with them.

Preterm labor and obstetric malady are among the primary causes of CD, while lack of trained staff, inadequate facilities and low socioeconomic status may also play a part. This study’s goal was to assess the quality of healthcare provided at FRUs in Bihar by looking at infrastructure, workforce composition and CD rates.

Women can do many things to prepare themselves and deliver healthy babies during their pregnancies, including consulting a reliable gynecologist like Dr Bhumika Shukla for guidance. She specializes in high-risk pregnancies and delivers babies safely – her clinic in Noida serves the areas surrounding Greater Noida, Delhi NCR and Noida Extension.